Let's start with creating a very simple dynamic variable. I want this variable to always hold yesterday's date so that in OBIEE answers, I can always use this dynamic variable to any numbers of report.
Also, let's start with creating a new initialization block, it is basically the place to define the content of this variable and how it queries the desired value:
I am calling this initialization block "Yesterday" and in the 'Edit Data Source', I have ented select to_char(sysdate-1, 'dd-Mon-yyyy') from dual for the initialization string. The format of the SQL statement should be exactly the same as you would enter directly in the database. So a good practice in general is to try the query in your database to make sure it works before entering it in the initialization block. Keep in mind that depending on what type of database you are using, the SQL statement may not be supported. Therefore, lets test the initialization string and see how it works:
And it works. The connection pool should be the one used for the same physical tables in OBIEE.
Now let's associate this Initialization block to a new dynamic variable by clicking 'Edit Data Target':
I will just call this variable 'Yesterday'. So now this variable will always return yesterday's date.
Let's create another dynamic variable with slightly more complex logic. This time I want this variable to give me the current GL months, which is 7 months lagging current calendar month. Moreover, the first day of the GL month starts on every 15th day of each calendar month. Therefore, Let's write the following select statement:
SELECT DISTINCT a.posted_period gl_dashboard_period
FROM rd_glmart.v_gl_star_factsdetails a
WHERE a.posted_period =
WHEN TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'dd') < '15' THEN (SYSDATE - 15) ELSE SYSDATE END, -7 ), 'yyyymm' )
Test and see the result:
Since today is May 14th and the result of this initialization string brings back 200909, I'd say it is pretty good.
Now I have two dynamic variables: Yesterday and GL Current Closed Period. Let's apply them in our reports.
Enter the name of the dynamic variable: GL Current Closed Period in the filter
And the result:
Til next time.
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